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Version: 1.3.2

Technology Packages

Beside the products jadice flow offers some separately licensed technology packages with some specific functionalities. Below you can find all technology packages and their installation and configuration.

Existing Technology Packages

PDF Permissions

The "PDF Permissions" technology package handles passwords on PDF documents.

Note: Before you use this technology package, you have to consult your legal department to determine whether and in which cases this usage is allowed for your processes and type of documents. Please contact for more information about this technology package.

Worker definition for the workers.yaml

The worker definition for the PDF Permission technology package looks like this:

- workerName: "pdf-permissions"
description: "Handle passwords on PDF"
processorClass: "com.jadice.flow.controller.server.processor.RemoteItemProcessor"
workerURL: "http://jf-worker-pdfpermissions/"
- name: "passwordList"
type: "java.util.List"
subTypes: "com.jadice.flow.controller.util.Password"
value: "[{\"raw\":\"test\"}]"
description: "owner passwords"

Note: Remember that the worker parameters are just samples and have to be updated.

Add this part to your worker.yaml to use the technology package (see Installing the technology package - Step 5).


After that, you can use the worker and create a new jobtemplate or update an existing one:
In the UI go to: Job configuration -> Create new template -> Add step -> Worker name. You should see the pdf-permissions worker name there if you set everything up correctly. Then choose the worker and edit the step name, description and add a password.
For more information see: Configure a job flow.

To create a job go to Job overview -> Create job -> Job template and click on the name of the job template you just created. Next you need to click on the Add item button and chose the file you want to encrypt (if it doesn't have a password) or decrypt.

After clicking ok you should see the job has started and will not take long to complete. The job result should have the decrypted/encrypted file that you can download.

Install a technology package


Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

Note: The default storage for storing job results is Eureka. For more information see: Install products

Where to get

To add a Helm repository to your repositories you can execute the following commands:

$ helm repo add levigo --username <username>
Password: <enter your password>

When you see the password prompt please enter your password.

You now have access to the Helm charts of the technology packages in your helm cli.

Installing the technology package

To use the technology package with a jadice flow product, you have to create and install a new local helm Chart. How to do this is described below in the following steps.

In the end the origin folder should have the following structure:

origin folder
  1. Create a folder

    Create a new folder for the Helm Chart configuration files via the user interface or command line and navigate into it. In the following instructions this folder will be called “origin folder”.

  2. Values.yaml

    Create a new file "values.yaml" with the following content:

    Content values.yaml
    - name: "registry-secret"
    storageType: "eureka"
    eureka: "eureka-secret"

    workersConfigMap: jf-email-conversion-workers-cust
    enabled: false
    enabled: false


    Note: Insert your username and password. Also note, that the workersConfigMap name has to be the same as in step 4.

  3. Chart.yaml

    Create in the same folder a new file "Chart.yaml" with the following content:

    Example Content Chart.yaml for the technology package "pdf permissions":
    apiVersion: v2
    name: jf-email-conversion-extended
    description: jadice flow email conversion with technology package
    type: application
    version: 2.0.0
    appVersion: 2.0.0

    - name: jf-email-conversion
    version: 0.10.2
    - name: jf-worker-pdfpermissions
    version: 1.3.0
    condition: jf-worker-pdfpermissions.enabled

    Note: Insert a corresponding description, version and jadice flow product or technology package name. Also remember to use the latest version of the jadice flow product and used technology package.

  4. Templates folder

    Create a new folder named "templates". Navigate into it and create a new file "cm-workers.yaml" with the following content:

    Content cm-workers.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
    name: jf-email-conversion-workers-cust
    {{- include "jfController.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
    {{ (.Files.Glob "config/workers.yaml").AsConfig | indent 2 }}

    Note: The "name" value has to be the name of the "workersConfigMap" in step 2.

  5. Configuration folder

    • Navigate back to the origin folder
    • Please download the Helm Chart of your used bundle with the following command:
      $ helm pull levigo/<bundle-name>
      Note: Enter the name of your jadice flow product (e.g. helm pull levigo/jf-email-conversion).
    • Extract the downloaded jadice flow product
    • Navigate into the downloaded Helm Chart folder and copy the file "<product>/config/workers.yaml".
    • Navigate back to the origin folder and create a folder called "config". Paste the copied workers.yaml into that folder.
    • Open the worker.yaml and add the worker definition of the technology package there. You can find the corresponding worker definition of each technology package in the description above (see chapters "Worker definition for the workers.yaml"). For example the worker definition for the PDF Permission technology package looks like this:
    Example worker definition
    - workerName: "pdf-permissions"
    description: "Handle passwords on PDF"
    processorClass: "com.jadice.flow.controller.server.processor.RemoteItemProcessor"
    workerURL: "http://jf-worker-pdfpermissions/"
    - "PART_BASED"
    - "REMOTE"
    - name: "passwordList"
    type: "java.util.List"
    subTypes: "com.jadice.flow.controller.util.Password"
    value: "[{\"raw\":\"test\"}]"
    description: "owner passwords"

    Note: Remember that the worker parameters are just samples and have to be updated.

  6. Build the Helm Chart

    Navigate to the origin folder and run the following command:

      $ helm dependency update
  7. Install the local Helm Chart

    Run in the origin folder the following command:

      $ helm install -f values.yaml <releasename> -n <namespace> --create-namespace .

    Note: Insert a release and namespace name for your local helm Chart.

After that, you can use the technology package together with a jadice flow product.

Validate Installation

To validate the local Helm Chart deployment run:

     $ kubectl get pods -n <namespace>

After that you should see the running workers of the installed jadice flow product and the technology package.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall the local Helm Chart deployment run:

     $ helm uninstall <releasename> -n <namespace>

Handle jadice flow product releases

To update the jadice flow product version or technology package version you have to open the Chart.yaml in the origin folder. There you have to insert the new released version of the product at dependencies -> version.

Example: Insert a new version "1.25.2" of the jf-email-conversion product in the Chart.yaml (see line 10)
apiVersion: v2
name: jf-email-conversion-extended
description: jadice flow email conversion with technology package
type: application
version: 2.0.0
appVersion: 2.0.0

- name: jf-email-conversion
version: 1.25.2
- name: jf-worker-pdfpermissions
version: 1.3.0
condition: jf-worker-pdfpermissions.enabled