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Version: 1.3.2


Workers are separate processes which perform a work task.

Existing Workers

For more information about each worker such as descriptions, execution and configuration settings or examples, click at the corresponding worker in the list below.



Input / Output


Analyze files

  • worker-analyzer - Analyzes a stream's content and tries to determine the content's MIME type

AFP Documents

HTML / XML / XSL / Markdown

  • worker-xslfo - Applies a XSL stylesheet and formats a PDF based on XSL:FO
  • worker-pandoc - Converts several document formats to Markdown via Pandoc



Text / content preparation



  • worker-anno-migrator - Migrates annotations that match a given document to another format matching a target document.

Additional configuration

Workers are usually implemented as spring boot application and run inside a container. Via the application.yaml configuration file, settings can be changed.

Some workers may require access to external resources or custom configuration files on the classpath of the application. For these cases, the following configuration methods exist:

Adding external fonts

In the application.yaml, the external font path can be configured:

jadice.extFontPath: /app/fonts

If this folder exists (e.g. mounted in the worker container), it will be used by the jadice font manager to read compatible font resources.

Adding a additional configuration file

Some workers may require additional configuration files placed in the classpath. Additional files must be placed in the following directory: /app/libs/custom/application/

Adding a custom library to the application

Some workers may require additional JARs like JDBC drivers or specific client connection libraries. In general, external JARs must be placed in the folder:


JAR files mounted into this directory will be used when starting the application. Please refer to the specific worker documentation if specific files need to be placed here. In most cases, this is not required.