Kubernetes deployment
- Kubernetes 1.14+
- Helm 3.1.0+
- (optional: PersistentVolume (PV) provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure - if job metadata are stored in the MariaDB)
- (optional: sealed secrets )
Container Image Access
Because the images used in this chart are from a private container registry you need to have
- access to the container registry
- OR access to a proxy registry of
Since the used Helm charts come from a private container registry, they also require
- access to the helm registry
For details see image pull secrets.
Installing the Chart
On this page we showcase how to install a jadice flow product via its corresponding Helm Chart.
Download Helm Chart
There is the option to download a Helm Chart with the command:
$ helm pull levigo/jf-ocr-bundle
Install from jadice helm repository
In this case our release name will be my-release
$ helm repo add levigo https://artifacts.jadice.com/repository/helm-charts/ --username <username>
Password: <enter your password>
$ helm install my-release levigo/jf-ocr-bundle
These commands deploy the OCR (optical character recognition) product (described here as an example product) on the Kubernetes cluster with the default configuration.
The first command adds a Helm repository to your repositories. You now have access to the Helm chart in your helm cli. The second command install the chart with the release name my-release.
Detailed instructions for products can be found in the products section. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured - in this case for the ocr product.
Tip: Show all installed (deployed) releases using
helm list
Uninstalling the Chart
To uninstall and delete the deployment you can execute the command:
$ helm uninstall my-release
This command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the Helm release.
Required Parameters
By default, the jadice flow products use the eureka storage backend and an embedded H2 database. This means only the access to the jadice container registry must be configured as described below.
On how-to replace eureka with S3 or WebDAV see in the optional parameters section and secrets and if you don't want to use the embedded H2 database follow the instructions in database.
Image pull secrets
To access the container registry with the jadice flow images you have the following three options:
provide the name of an existing Kubernetes registry-secret via
.For instructions on how to create a Kubernetes docker-registry secret check out the Documentation or the output of
kubectl create secret docker-registry --help
provide the credentials to the registry via the following parameters:
Parameter | Description | Default |
secrets.imageRegistry.server | server of the container Registry | registry.jadice.com |
secrets.imageRegistry.username | username for the container Registry | nil |
secrets.imageRegistry.password | password for the container Registry | nil |
For sealed secrets, you can encrypt the content of a ~/.docker/config.json file as a String and provide this as the value for the parameter
.To create this String you could run the following command:
kubectl create secret docker-registry registry-secret \
--docker-username=<user> \
--docker-password=<password> \
--docker-server=registry.jadice.com \
--dry-run=client -o json | jq -r '.data[".dockerconfigjson"]' | base64 -d | kubeseal --raw --from-file=/dev/stdin --namespace <namespace> --name registry-secretNote:
- requires
- replace
with the respective values.
- requires
Optional Parameters
Global Parameters
Global Parameters
These values can be defined globally, overwriting the values defined for each component, including the MariaDB chart.
Parameter | Description | Default |
global.imageRegistry | Global Docker image registry | nil |
global.imagePullSecrets | Global Docker registry secret names as an array | [] (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods) |
global.storageClass | Global storage class for dynamic provisioning | nil |
global.jadiceFlow.storageType | Define what type of storage to use ("eureka","s3","webdav"). | eureka |
These parameters configure all jadice flow components but not the MariaDB. They overwrite the component-specific parameters for "jf-controller" and "jfWorker".
Parameter | Description | Default |
jadiceFlow.serviceAccount.create | Sets whether a ServiceAccount name shall be created automatically | true |
jadiceFlow.serviceAccount.name | If not set and jadiceFlow.serviceAccount.create is true, a name is generated using the filename template | nil |
jadiceFlow.serviceAccount.annotations | Additional annotations for configuring the ServiceAccount | nil |
If you want to use your own storage or database, you can provide the credentials via the following values.
The charts also support the use of Sealed Secrets instead of regular Kubernetes secrets.
Simply set secrets.useSealedSecrets
to true
and use the encrypted values for the parameters below.
Parameter | Description | Default |
secrets.useSealedSecrets | usage of sealed secretes | false |
secrets.controller.accessToken | the jadice flow access token | nil |
secrets.controller.database.password | the controller DB password | nil |
secrets.controller.database.username | the controller DB username | nil |
secrets.s3.bucket | the S3 bucket | nil |
secrets.s3.endpoint | the URL of the S3 server | nil |
secrets.s3.accessKey | the S3 access key | nil |
secrets.s3.secretKey | the S3 secret key | nil |
secrets.s3.protocol | HTTP or HTTPS | https |
secrets.webdav.endpoint | the URL of the WebDAV server | nil |
secrets.webdav.username | the username for the WebDAV server | nil |
secrets.webdav.password | the password for the WebDAV server | nil |
secrets.webdav.outputPath | the WebDAV path where the result are put | nil |
secrets.eureka.username | the username for the eureka server | nil |
secrets.eureka.password | the password for the eureka server | nil |
These parameters configure the jadice flow controller component.
Parameter | Description | Default |
jf-controller.image.registry | jf container registry | registry.jadice.com |
jf-controller.image.repository | image name | jf-controller |
jf-controller.image.tag | image tag | 1.0.0 |
jf-controller.image.pullPolicy | image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
jf-controller.ingress.enabled | Enable / Disable the ingress for the jf-controller service. In order for this service to work user access is needed, hence some kind of access for an operator has to be provided. | true |
jf-controller.ingress.annotations | Additional annotations for configuring the ingress (in this case an nginx ingress). | Depends on the specific ingress implementation. |
jf-controller.ingress.hosts | The hostname of the jf-controller service and eventual path rewrites. In this case most likely on the hostname has to be adjusted to the new stack. | Desired hostname |
jf-controller.ingress.tls | For configuring the corresponding TLS secrets of the previously defined hostnames. | Related tls secrets for the previous hostnames |
jf-controller.ingress.className | The ingress class name. | nil |
jf-controller.jobtemplatesConfigMap | use this ConfigMap instead of the default 'jobtemplates.yaml' | nil |
jf-controller.workersConfigMap | use this ConfigMap instead of the default 'workers.yaml' | nil |
jf-controller.concurrentWorkerInvocationsPerType | set concurrent worker invocations per type | 1 |
jf-controller.concurrentJobCount | set concurrent job count | 4 |
If you want access the bundle from outside the cluster you can define Ingress resources that could look like this:
Ingress Example
enabled: true
className: "nginx"
cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: letsencrypt-prod
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet: |
server_tokens off;
location /actuator {
deny all;
return 403;
- host: jf-controller.acme.com
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
- secretName: jf-controller.acme.com
- jf-controller.acme.com
Keep in mind this is only an example making certain assumptions. E.g. this assumes you are using Cert Manager and have defined a cluster-issuer with the name of letsencrypt-prod
For more information on Cert Manager and how to create a certificate, see Certificate. It also hides the actuator
endpoints from external access. Depending on your monitoring solution this may not be feasible.
All workers support the following parameters. Worker specific parameters are described in the worker section.
worker example: jf-worker-tessocr:
Parameter | Description | Default |
jf-worker-tessocr.image.registry | jf container registry | registry.jadice.com |
jf-worker-tessocr.image.repository | image name | jf-worker-tessocr |
jf-worker-tessocr.image.tag | image tag | 1.0.0 |
jf-worker-tessocr.image.pullPolicy | image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
jf-worker-tessocr.replicaCount | Number of replicas to start | 1 |
jf-worker-tessocr.worker.monitoring.enabled | Enable Prometheus monitoring | false |
jf-worker-tessocr.worker.tracing.enabled | Enable Jaeger tracing | false |
The default database is an embedded H2-Database. If required, jadice flow controller can be configured to use a different database. To use an existing external database set these parameters:
Parameter | Description | Default |
secrets.controller.database.password | the controller DB password | nil |
secrets.controller.database.username | the controller DB username | nil |
jf-controller.datasource.jdbcUrl | example: "jdbc:mariadb://mariadb/jadice-flow-db" | nil |
Data Storage
Data Storage
The default data store for job results is a eureka service, but other types like S3 and WebDAV are also supported. It requires zero configuration for test installations. It's also possible to enabling persistence and configuring other storage backends.
By default, the expiration time of saved job results is 3 minutes. The expiryTimeMinutes
can be configured in the values.yaml:
# enabled: true
# rootPath: ${user.dir}/neverpile-eureka_default
# heapEntries: 500
# diskSize: 1024
expiryTimeMinutes: 5
Sample values.yaml configuration
A minimal values.yaml containing only the necessary parameters:
server: registry.jadice.com
username: <username>
password: <password>
Further customization options, as well as the default values file can be found in the repository in the values.yaml, as well as in the products section or the README.md of the respective product.
$ helm pull "levigo/jf-ocr-bundle" --untar
$ cat jf-ocr-bundle/README.md
Validate Installation with Postman
To validate your deployment you can use the Postman
collection jadice-flow tutorial ocr.postman_collection.json
that is part of this Helm chart. For
instructions on how to import a collection see Importing data into Postman.
After you have imported the collection you need to create a variable JF_CONTROLLER_URL
pointing to your jf-controller
(e.g. https://jf-controller.email.acme.com) and add your access token as a Bearer Token to the collection.
Information about the jadice flow REST-API can be found here.