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Output Organizer: Minikube installation

For development and demo purposes a local installation sometimes may come in handy. Therefore, we provide this guide to help set up Output Organizer Chart version 1.5.2 or later on Windows using Minikube. Follow the steps below to get started.

Please note that this kind of deployment must never be used to run Output Organizer in a production environment.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

  • Docker Desktop for Windows
  • Minikube
  • kubectl

Step 1: Install Docker Desktop for Windows

Download and run the installer for the latest version of Docker Desktop for Windows from the following link: Docker

You may need to restart your computer after installing Docker Desktop.

Step 2: Install Minikube

Download and run the installer for the latest release of Minikube from the following link: Minikube

After installation, add the minikube.exe binary to your PATH environment variable.

Step 3: Install kubectl

Download and run the installer for the latest release of kubectl from the following link: kubectl

After installation, add the folder containing the kubectl binary to your PATH environment variable.

Step 4: Start Minikube

Make sure Docker Desktop is currently running on your computer. From a terminal with administrator access (but not logged in as root), run:

minikube start

To access Output Organizer using a browser the minikube ingress plugin can be activated using:

minikube addons enable ingress

Step 6: Create Helm Configuration File

Create a Helm configuration file named minikube-values.yaml to configure your Helm deployment. Fill in your credentials for the image registry as needed.

Example minikube-values.yaml:

useSealedSecrets: false
## server of the container Registry, e.g.
## username for the container Registry
username: <USERNAME>
## password for the container Registry
password: <PASSWORD>

externalUrl: http://localhost/viewer
externalUrl: http://localhost/organizer
serviceUrl: http://fusion-output-organizer/organizer

fullnameOverride: fusion-output-organizer
enabled: true
- paths:
- path: /organizer
pathType: Prefix
contextPath: /organizer

enabled: true
- paths:
- path: /viewer
pathType: Prefix
contextPath: /viewer

Because minikube exposes all services on localhost with the default port 80 we have to define two paths /organizer and /viewer to differentiate between the two exposed services.

Register the levigo helm repository with yor credentials if it is not already registered:

helm repo add levigo --username <username> --password <password>

In the same folder as your values.yaml file execute:

helm upgrade --install --values minikube-values.yaml my-release levigo/fusion-output-organizer

You can check the startup process with kubectl using:

kubectl get pod

Once all pods are ready, you can open a new terminal window and run:

minikube tunnel

This will resolve DNS request using the configured ingress rules to work with your Minikube cluster.

Now you should be able to access Output Organizer with your browser.