Migration 1.3 to 2.0
Helm Changes
The configuration for the db connection has changed. Before, the configuration was set up only for mariaDB but now many db variants are supported.
The mariadb chart sub dependency was removed and with it the mariadb subsection in the values file:
Removed: mariadb.*
The configuration property in the organizer backend configuration for mariadb were removed.
Removed: organizer.mariadb.*
New and universal backend configuration fo the db connection was added.
Added: organizer.db.* jdbcURL/driverClassName/databasePlatform
Some other variable have been moved or named more universally to better isolate them from their technical implementation.
Global configuration for the viewer was renamed from jwt to viewer.
Rename: global.urls.jwv -> global.urls.viewer
Secrets for data loading was renamed from npe to loader, and it was moved to the Organizer sub chart.
Renamed: secrets.npe -> organizer.secrets.loader
Secrets for npe and bas where unified and renamed to loader, and it was moved to the Organizer sub chart.
Renamed: secrets.npe/organizer.secrets.bas -> organizer.secrets.loader
The database Secrets where renamed to not include "mariadb" in the path, and it was moved to the Organizer sub chart.
Renamed: secrets.db.mariadb.* -> organizer.secrets.db.*
Moved: secrets.db.* -> organizer.secrets.db.*
The Spring Boot Admin credential secret was moved to the Organizer sub chart.
Moved: secrets.sba.* -> organizer.secrets.sba.*
The S3 credential secret was moved to the Organizer sub chart.
Moved: secrets.s3.* -> organizer.secrets.s3.*
Secrets save notifications have been added.
Added: organizer.secrets.saveNotification.*
Secrets export notifications have been added.
Added: organizer.secrets.exportNotification.*
Moved S3 storage flag
Moved: organizer.s3.enabled -> organizer.storage.s3.enabled
We upgraded from flow director to the new flow controller:
The sub chart was exchanged, please refer to the deployment documentation for relevant configuration option here. If you configured something here apart from universal chart configuration options, please check if the options are still available.
Rework: director.* -> controller.*
global config url was renamed.
Renamed: global.urls.flowDirector -> global.urls.flowController
Configuration changes and new features:
Option to configure the Organizer to run on a non-root context path.
Added: organizer.contextPath
New configuration options configure logging levels and patters.
Added: organizer.logging.pattern
Added: organizer.logging.level
New configuration options to modify the containers location for temp data and a size limit for that directory. This is needed for container environments with restrictive container write access like OpenShift.
Added: organizer.data.directory
Added: organizer.data.sizeLimit
You can now configure more than one collection type. you can define a list of collectionTypeDefinitions and collectionTypeNames which should match in size and order.
Reworked: organizer.config.collectionTypes -> collectionTypeDefinitions/collectionTypeNames
You can now configure more than one policy. you can define a list of policyDefinitions and policyValidityDates which should match in size and order.
Reworked: organizer.config.policies -> policyDefinitions/policyValidityDates
New configuration option for enabling gradation in the viewer.
Added: organizer.config.gradationEnabled
New configuration option to use a custom font (.woff).
Added: organizer.config.font
New configuration option to use a custom font (.ttf).
Added: organizer.config.fontTtf
Added startup probes for all sub charts.
Added: organizer.startupProbe
Added: viewer.startupProbe
Added: worker-topdf.startupProbe
We migrated from a proprietary export worker to a standard Jadice Flow to-PDF worker:
The sub chart was exchanged, please refer to the deployment documentation for relevant configuration option here. If you configured something here apart from universal chart configuration options, please check if the options are still available.
Rework: exporter.* -> worker-topdf.*
License changes: To use the features of the Output Organizer Advanced, you need to provide a valid license key via helm.
license: |
[Your License Content]
fingerprint: [Your License Fingerprint]
publicKey: |
[Your Public Key Content]
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
If the license is not available or not valid, the Output Organizer will run in the basic mode. To order a license, contact us at jadice-support@levigo.de.
Deprecation Notice:
Plain values for saveNotification and exportNotification options in Output Organizer have been deprecated, but we have the flexibility to choose between using secrets or plain values for these options in Helm configurations.
Rework: exportNotification.* -> secrets.exportNotification.*
Rework: saveNotification.* -> secrets.saveNotification.*
Deployment changes:
Due to the migrations to new subcharts for the director/controller and exporter/worker-toPDF the deployment names have
changed as well.
These migrations should be handled by your deployment update process, but sometimes the old versions will not be cleaned
up automatically.
Please make sure that the old deployments are removed completely:
and jf-director
Other Changes
Due to the internal framework update to Spring Boot 3 the path matching has slightly changed. Any URLs with a terminating slash are no longer equivalent to paths without it.
Please make sure all API calls use URLs without terminating slashes: