Image Conversion
What is the purpose of this Helm chart
This helm chart was created for isolating several workers in an "ready to go" configuration for the purpose of image conversion. It comes with 2 job templates image to tiff
and image to pdf
Note: This jadice flow Bundle uses ImageMagick Studio LLC to convert Heic/Heif images. For more information see: ImageMagick software
Where to get
After you received the credentials (technical user) for accessing our Helm Chart and Container Registry, you can log in with these credentials at and change your password.
To add a Helm repository to your repositories you can then execute the following commands:
$ helm repo add levigo --username <username>
Password: <enter your password>
When you see the password prompt please enter your password.
You now have access to the Helm chart jf-image-conversion
in your helm cli.
There is also the option to download the Helm Chart with the command:
$ helm pull levigo/jf-image-conversion
The only Required Parameters are the container registry credentials in order to access the jadice flow images.
A minimal my-values.yaml with these required parameters would look something like this:
username: myJadiceRegistryUser
password: myJadiceRegistryPassword
To install the chart from the levigo helm repository with the release name my-release
$ helm repo add levigo --username <username>
Password: <enter your password>
$ helm install --values my-values.yaml my-release levigo/jf-image-conversion
Installation and Configuration
- Kubernetes 1.19+
- Helm 3.1.0+
- The default storage for storing job results is Eureka. It requires zero configuration for test installations. It's also possible to enabling persistence and configuring other storage backends.
Container Image Access
Because the images used in this chart are from a private container registry you need to have
- access to the container registry
- OR access to a proxy registry of
Installing the Chart
To install the chart with the release name my-release
$ helm repo add levigo --username <username>
Password: <enter your password>
$ helm install --values values.yaml my-release levigo/jf-image-conversion
The command deploys jf-image-conversion on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.
Uninstalling the Chart
To uninstall the my-release
$ helm uninstall my-release
The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
Optional: Configure external database
The default database is an embedded H2-Database. If you want to use an existing external database, provide a connection to your database via jf-controller.datasource.jdbcURL
## runtime database connection
## On MySQL, add "?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true" to auto-create schema
## (username and password are taken from the values secrets.database.username and secrets.database.password
## or from the kubernetes secret referenced by jf-controller.auth.existingDBSecret)
jdbcUrl: "jdbc:h2:mem:jadice-flow-db;INIT=CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS JADICE_FLOW"
Accessing the UI
If you have configured to use the UI you may want to use port forwarding to access the UI:
kubectl port-forward pods/<controller-ui-pod-name> <desired-port-on-machine>:8080
Otherwise you can use an ingress controller for constant access.
Included Workers
Supported Document Formats
The jf-image-conversion chart supports the formats that are supported by the jadice document platform and by ImageMagick:
More Information
For more information you check out the included in the Helm Chart. You can find the in the tgz file that can be downloaded with the command:
helm pull levigo/jf-image-conversion