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Minikube Installation Example

To facilitate a hands-on experience, you can effortlessly install the jf-email-conversion/jf-document-enhancer/jf-ocr package on your local machine using the guide below (in several ways).


Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

  • Access to registry for charts and docker images access;
  • Docker Desktop;
  • Enable K8S standalone from Docker Desktop (recommended) / Install Minikube / Install other K8S environment;
  • Helm and Kubectl command line tools.


If you do not have one or more of the requirements please refer to according documentations like:

Step 1: Start the cluster

If you installed Docker Desktop and enabled Kubernetes in the setting you can just launch Docker Desktop and the cluster will be up and running in few minutes.
Remember to set more Memory and CPU for the cluster before doing next steps (at least 6 CPU cores and 8 GB of memory). You can change it in: Docker Desktop -> Settings -> Resources

And if you installed Kubernetes via minikube or used other ways, launch the cluster with the necessary command - for example with minikube (docker or other runtime should be available):

minikube start

Resources can be different depending on you OS type and technical configuration of your machine!

You can check if the cluster is running by running a simple command like:

kubectl get pods -A

Step 2: Add the Helm chart repository

After you received the credentials (technical user) for accessing our Helm Chart and Container Registry, you can log in with these credentials at and change your password.

To add a Helm repository to your repositories you can then execute the following commands:

helm repo add levigo --username <username>

Password: <enter your password>

Step 3: Chart installation

The only Required Parameters are the container registry credentials in order to access the Jadice Flow Images.

A minimal values.yaml with these required parameters would look something like this:

username: myJadiceRegistryUser
password: myJadiceRegistryPassword

To install the Helm chart run the following command in the directory where you have your values.yaml:

helm install -f values.yaml <your release name> -n <your namespace> --create-namespace levigo/<jf-email-conversion or jf-document-enhancer or jf-ocr>

Please wait for at least 5 to 10 minutes for the system to start.

Step 4: Testing

If you done all of the above steps you are ready to test the chart.
First of all you need to be sure that the chart has started successfully run this command again:

kubectl get pods -n <your namespace>

The result should show that all pods are in a Running status and all of them should show 1/1 in Ready state. If so please copy the full name of the jf-controller-ui - it should look something like this: jf-controller-ui-65b4b4985b-nb7wf.

Next you want to access the frontend by forwarding the 8080 port from the UI to your machine. You can do this by running this command:

kubectl port-forward -n <your namespace> <jf-controller-ui-65b4b4985b-nb7wf> <your random port>:8080

In your browser then go to the localhost:<your random port> and you should see the frontend UI pop up. Now you are ready to use it!

If you want to: setup a way to access the UI via ingress, store data in a database other than Eureka or change any other settings please refer to the official documentations:
jf-email-conversion , jf-document-enhancer , jf-ocr

*Step 5: Update / Uninstall

To uninstall the release deployment you can use this command:

helm uninstall <your release name>

Sometimes you want to test a newer version that just released or you updated the values.yaml and want to activate the changes. For that you can use this universal command:

helm upgrade --install -f values.yaml -n <your namespace> --create-namespace levigo/<jf-email-conversion or jf-document-enhancer or jf-ocr>

More Information

For more information you can see the above mentioned documentation or check out the included in the Helm Chart yourself. You can find the in the .tgz file that can be downloaded with the command:

helm pull levigo/<jf-email-conversion or jf-document-enhancer or jf-ocr>