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Version: 1.4.x


Queries allow searching for collections using collection metadata. (Only collection metadata can be searched, not element metadata.)

REST endpoint

Dossier Organizer provides a REST endpoint for queries: POST <HOST>/api/v1/index/metadata/query

Please note that a Paging mechanism is in place: If too many results are found, the result will be split into pages.

Query parameters (optional)

pageNozero-based index of the result page (Default : 0 = first page)
pageSizesize of a result page (Default: 50 results)

List of collection states to retrieve.

Possible values: Active, MarkedForDeletion, Closed (Default: Active)

For example: <HOST>/api/v1/index/metadata/query?states=MarkedForDeletion,Closed&pageNo=2 returns the query results 101 to 150 and only retrieves collections with state "MarkedForDeletion" or "Closed"

Request body

The request body specifies the search criteria. For example, this query finds collections with "schadennummer 90200001367":

"schadennummer": "90200001367"

For more details on the possible conditions to be used in queries see the Conditions article.